I want to make the most of a lump sum

Life changing moments present opportunities and challenges. Marriage, family, business sale, redundancy, divorce and windfall – we can help you shape your journey whatever life throws at you.


Buying a home, marriage, parenthood, becoming grandparents – pivotal events that shape your financial strategies. We can work with you to develop investment plans that meet your needs at different stages of your life – such mortgages, education, helping with a house deposit or saving for your own retirement. 

Selling your business

Growing a business can often be at the expense of your own personal finances. On the sale of your business we can help you secure your financial future by investing the proceeds to meet your financial and personal aspirations.


Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan. Divorce is a testing time and negotiating a fair financial settlement can be fraught. We can be at your side to help you achieve the right outcome. You can rely on our expertise in valuing and splitting pensions, financial disclosure, valuing investments, managing tax and implementing court decisions to get your finances on a sound footing.

Making the most of a lump sum

Inheritance, redundancy, bonus payment or surprise good fortune – we can help you make the most of an unexpected windfall to create long-term security for you and your loved ones. Whether you use your wealth to fulfil existing obligations, or set it to work as part of an investment portfolio, you can rely on us to support you.

I am ready to start a conversation

Find out how we can help you on your wealth journey.

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We have strong and sustained client satisfaction in both of our last annual surveys.